Cerrito 628, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
April 16th, 8pm
April 17th, 7pm
April 17th, 10pm
On April 16th there is going to be the premiere of Beat Furrer's opera "Begehren" in South America at Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires. Beat Furrer as well as Juan Martín Miceli are going to conduct the performance of Cantando Admont and the ensemble of Teatro Colón. The libretto is based on texts by Cesare Pavese, Günter Eich, Ovid and Vergil and written by Beat Furrer, Christine Huber and Wolfgang Hofer. "Begehren" presents Orpheus and Euridice as "He" and "She", who move gradually from one discourse to another, in what is a parable about the dialectic of isolation, set in a no man's land.
Beat Furrer, composition
Beat Furrer, Juan Martín Miceli, musical direction
Emilio Basaldúa, Julián Ezquerra, scenic production
Sabrina Pedreira, soloist
Ivan García, soloist
Cantando Admont
Ensemble of Teatro Colón
find more information on: teatrocolon.org.ar